Fig. 5.
CSP41-containing complexes interact with RNA. (A) Stromal proteins from dark-adapted plants corresponding to 160 μg of Chl were fractionated by BN-PAGE in the first dimension and by SDS–PAGE in the second. CSP41a and CSP41b were each detected using specific antibodies. As control, the Coomassie brilliant blue (C.B.B.) staining of the membrane prior to immunodecoration is shown. (B) Stromal proteins as in A, but treated with RNase. The asterisk indicates RNase A. (C) Stromal proteins from light-adapted WT and psad1-1 plants detected as in A. (A–C) The approximate molecular masses of the labelled protein complexes were estimated from the mobility of other complexes with known molecular masses (Peltier et al., 2006).