Fig. 4.
IEM analysis of distinct MVBs of 16 DAF developing mung bean seeds. Developing mung bean cotyledons at 16 DAF were collected, high-pressure frozen/freeze-substituted, and embedded in HM20. Ultrathin sections were then prepared, followed by IEM analysis using 8S globulin and VSR antibodies as indicated. Panel 1, an overview of labelling of anti-8S globulin on various organelles including the Golgi (GA), PSV, and the distinct MVB (also shown in panel 2). Panels 3 and 4, the 8S globulin-positive distinct MVBs in samples treated with wortmannin and BFA, respectively. Panels 5 and 6, distinct MVBs labelled with anti-VSR (panel 5) and double-labelled with anti-8S globulin and anti-VSR (panel 6). VSR, vacuolar sorting receptor; GA, Golgi apparatus; Mt, mitochondrion; PSV, protein storage vacuole; Wort, wortmannin; BFA, brefeldin A. Scale bars are included as indicated.