Figure 2 .
Identifying deletion strains resistant to glyoxal stress. A) (left) Schematic of screen used for identifying deletion strains resistant to glyoxal stress. A homozygous deletion pool was grown for 20 generations in 80 mM glyoxal. Barcodes were amplified and hybridized to TAG4 arrays. (right) Strong selection in the presence of glyoxal resulted in selection for strains highly resistant to glyoxal. TAG intensities are mostly at background (gray region) in cells treated with glyoxal compared to control. B) (left) Log2 fold ratio of control/treatment of TAG array results. Negative fold ratios indicate tags that are over-represented in glyoxal selection. Genes mentioned in the text are highlighted in red. (right) Confirmation growth curves of deletion strains resistant to glyoxal.