Figure 5 .
Disruption of atg3 causes reduced CO2 and ethanol production during fermentation. EC1118 (red diamonds), wild-type (S288C, light blue circles), and atg3Δ (green squares) homozygous diploid strains were inoculated into synthetic grape juice supplemented with amino acids, and anaerobic fermentation was carried out for 16 days. Weight loss (A), ethanol (B), glucose (C), and fructose (D) measurements were taken every 2 days. Each data point on the graph represents the average of two EC1118, four wild-type, and four atg3Δ fermentations. For all graphs, error bars represent the standard deviation for each data point. (E) Growth chamber analysis of wild-type (S288C) vs. atg3Δ strain growth in YPD at 25°. Cells were inoculated into a multiwell plate at an OD600 of 0.1 and grown for 50 h. Each data point is an average of three technical replicates. For each data point, SD < ±0.04.