Figure 4 .
Genome changes acquired during laboratory strain construction. Summary of SNP/CGH analyses of laboratory strains derived from SC5314 with chromosome copy number illustrated as black histograms and homolog identity colored as in Figure 3. Each strain is illustrated horizontally. Strain construction steps proceed from top to bottom. RM100#13 (bottom of A) was the parent for strain lineages in B and C. Genome changes with successive transformation and counterselection steps are enlarged and/or highlighted: new aneuploidies are highlighted with green borders; new LOH events are highlighted with yellow borders. Genome changes that were maintained in subsequent strains are highlighted with black borders. Subfigures for strains with italicized names were simulated from available data and SNP/CGH analysis of additional CAI-4-derived strains. CGH, comparative genome hybridization; LOH, loss of heterozygosity; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.