Figure 3.
SNr lesions. a, Schematic diagram of a sagital brain section depicting the rostrocaudal and dorsoventral extent of lesions in the rostral SNr (with the left dashed line corresponding to coronal sections shown in b and c) or caudal SNr (with the right dashed line corresponding to coronal sections shown in d and e). b, d, Diagrams of coronal sections of the rostral and caudal SNr indicating the mediolateral and dorsoventral extents of rostrolateral and caudolateral SNr lesions, respectively (only 1 side is shown). Lateral SNr lesions extended from rostrolateral to caudolateral SNr. Black shaded areas represent the minimal lesion area, and the hatched areas represent more extensive lesions observed in some animals. c, e, Low-magnification (2×) photomicrographs of brain sections showing a representative bilateral rostrolateral SNr lesion (c) and bilateral caudolateral SNr lesion (e). Black arrowheads indicate the lesioned area. cp, Cerebral peduncle; PAG, periaqueductal gray; MB, mammillary body; ml, medial lemniscus. Scale bar, 250 μm.