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. 2012 Jan;17(1):e7–e11. doi: 10.1093/pch/17.1.e7


CanMEDS roles rated as less important in resident education

Subspecialty Topic Residents rating topic as less important n =127 Programs viewed as placing less importance on topic n =127 PD rating topic as less important n=10
Areas in which recent graduates felt deficient
  The medical aspects of palliative care (medical expert) 30 60 20
  Managing an efficient office practice (manager) 25 74 20
  Dealing with death and bereaved parents (medical expert) 14 46 0
Areas in which recent graduates felt competent
  Ability to conduct a research project (scholar) 38 11 20
  Learning principles of quality management (manager) 28 54 20
  Conflict resolution (manager) 24 52 20
  Effective use of resources (manager) 21 53 10
  Working with socioeconomic differences (communicator) 19 42 10
  Working with cultural differences (communicator) 17 46 10
  Anticipatory well child care (medical expert) 15 43 0
  Complex chronic care (medical expert) 13 18 0
  Advocate for disadvantaged infants/children (health advocate) 13 40 10
  Teaching skills (medical expert) 11 26 0

Data presented as %. Column 1 lists the CanMEDS roles believed to be least important by residents themselves; column 2 indicates the actual percentage of residents rating these topics as less important. Column 3 shows the percentage of programs perceived by residents to place less importance in these roles. Column 4 lists the percentage of program directors that rated these topics as less important to resident learning. The table is subdivided into two sections: the areas where recently graduated Canadian paediatricians felt deficient