Figure 4. Characterization of EID1 transgenic mice.
A. A representative agarose gel image showing the identification of pPDGFB-EID1 transgenic mice by PCR amplification of mouse tail genomic DNA. In: lane P – Tg positive, lane N – Tg negative, lane M - molecular weight marker. B. RT-PCR characterization of EID1 expression in the brain (cortex) of different pPDGFB-CRI1 transgenic mice (lanes P) compared with non-transgenic littermate mice (lanes N). In: lane C - plasmid control, lane M - molecular weight marker. C. Nuclear localization of EID1 in the neurons of EID1 Tg mice. The Cornu Ammonis 3 (CA3) region of control and Tg mouse hippocampus (5 month old) was double stained with anti-EID1 and anti-GFAP antibodies. The nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Rhodomine-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (for EID1) and FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (for GFAP) were used to detect the specific immunostaining. Scale bar = 50 µM. D. Western blotting analysis of fractionated EID1 protein from control and EID1 Tg mouse brains illustrating the increase of nuclear localization of this protein in Tg mice. Top left panel: 5 month old control mouse (Ctrl1); top right panel: 5 month old Tg mouse (Tg1); lower left panel: 19 month old control mouse (Ctrl2); lower right panel: 19 month old Tg mouse (Tg2).