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. 2011 Jan 5;7(2):145–159. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsq092

Table 4.

Significant regional correlations with participants’ scores on passionate love, romantic love, IOS, friendship-based love and sexual frequency

Brain region Left
x y z P x y z P
PLS correlation (love items)
    VTAa −2 −12 −8 0.00 0 −14 −8 0.01
    Caudate body, mediala 12 16 8 0.01
    Caudate body, antero dorsala −20 4 18 0.00
    Caudate body, postero dorsala 18 −18 20 0.01
    Putamenb −20 2 6 0.00
    Posterior hippocampusb 36 −38 0 0.01
PLS correlation (obsession)
    Caudate body, mediala 12 16 8 0.05
    Septum/fornixa −2 0 16 0.04
    Posterior cingulatea 6 −52 12 0.05
    Posterior hippocampusb 36 −38 −2 0.01
Eros scale correlation
    VTAa 0 −12 −6 0.05
    Caudate body, mediala 16 −20 −8 0.01
    Caudate body, postero dorsala 16 −12 18 0.01
    Posterior cingulatea 8 −52 16 0.00
    Posterior hippocampusb 36 −34 2 0.05
IOS correlation (Partner minus CF scores)
    VTA/SNa 2 −12 −14 0.03
    Mid-insulab,c 40 12 −6 0.02
    Anterior cingulateb,c −8 22 40 0.04
FBLS correlation
    GPc 18 −4 2 0.02
    Insular cortexb,c −42 4 4 0.03
    Parahippocampal gyrusb 26 −44 −8 0.00
Sexual frequency correlation
    Posterior hippocampusb −34 −34 −2 0.01
    Hypothalamus, posterior 11 −1 −9 0.03

Note. All results are for the Partner vs HFN contrast, except for the correlation with the IOS, which used the Partner vs CF contrast. ROIs were identified as the highest intensity voxel in a cluster. MNI coordinates (x, y, z) are at the maximum value for the cluster, which may be elongated in any direction. P-values (P) are for FDR correction. All results are for regions showing greater brain activation associated with higher scores on the: PLS love items, PLS obsession items, Eros Scale, IOS Scale, FBLS, and sexual frequency (controlling for age). Letters indicate origin of regions of interest.

aROI based on results by Aron et al. (2005) for early stage romantic love.

bROI based on results by Bartels and Zeki (2000) for early stage romantic love.

cROI based on results by Bartels and Zeki (2004) for maternal love.