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. 2011 Dec 15;9:E16.
  Facility Manager MOVE! Coordinator MOVE! Physician Champion MOVE! Multidisciplinary Team Opinion Leader
What prompted your facility to adopt MOVE!? Was the decision externally driven or internally motivated? What issues did you all consider in deciding to adopt MOVE!? What were the "pros" and "cons," so to speak? X X X    

How committed were your facility's senior managers? How committed were your facility's service line chiefs? How committed were your facility's [providers, clinicians]? Where there any important groups or individuals who seemed unsure or perhaps reluctant? X X X X X

Prior to MOVE!, what kinds of services did your facility offer to patients who were overweight or obese? Were these services multidisciplinary? Did people see MOVE! as a better alternative? Why or why not? X X X X X

How confident were you that your facility could implement MOVE! successfully? What did "successful implementation" mean for you? Were you more confident about some elements of MOVE! than others? What prompted you to feel this confident? Who shared your level of confidence? Who did not? X X X X X