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. 2012 Jan 16;12:5. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-12-5

Table 2.

User n User % Non User n Non User % Chi2 p
Total 55 59% 38 41%

Learning styles

Active/Reflective p = 0.53

Active 9 16% 9 24%

Intermediate Act/Ref 38 69% 22 58%

Reflective 8 15% 7 18%

Visual/Verbal p = 0.66

Visual 24 44% 15 39%

Intermediate Vis/Ver 29 53% 20 53%

Verbal 2 4% 3 8%

Sensing/Intuitive p = 0.96

Sensing 23 42% 15 39%

Intermediate Sen/Int 27 49% 19 50%

Intuitive 5 9% 4 11%


Sequential 10 18% 8 21% p = 0.86

Intermediate Seq/Glo 31 56% 22 58%

Global 14 25% 8 21%

Prior experience to E-learning p = 0.30

Yes 44 81% 26 72%

No 10 19% 10 28%

Future most interesting speciality p = 0.17

Internal/Family med 12 34% 4 15%

Operating 16 46% 12 46%

Indecisive 7 20% 10 39%

Table 2 show the result compared the user and non user group divided into learning style. The user was defined as a student who logged on for at least 30 minutes to the system. P value for Chi2 comparison between user and non-user according to the respective dimensions. The number of responses varies because not all respondents answered all questions.