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. 2011 Dec 22;6:85. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-6-85

Table 1.

Molecular results and clinical findings in probands and family members

Family # Individual (age at examination) Molecular Result Telangiectasia Epistaxis Solid Organ Involvement Segregation
in the family
Family 1 Proband (74 yo) c.-127C > T hands, lips, cheeks, palate, ears 6-8/day GI telangiectases, PAVM Yes
Brother (74 yo) c.-127C > T hands, lips 2-3/day GI telangiectases, PAVM

Family 2 Proband (67 yo) c.-127C > T hands, ear, lips, tongue, palate, conjunctivae 1-2/month none Yes
Daughter (50 yo) c.-127C > T lips, tongue, palate 1-2/week PAVMs
Son (39 yo) c.-127C > T lips, palate, ears, hands 2/week PAVM
Nephew (41 yo) c.-127C > T yes yes PAVM
Nephew (42 yo) Negative for c.-127C > T none no unknown
Grandniece (18 yo) c.-127C > T yes daily Spinal AVM
Grandnephew (8 yo) c.-127C > T unknown daily CAVM

Family 3 Proband 3 (28 yo) c.-127C > T face 2-6/week PAVM No

Family 4 Proband 4 (41 yo) c.-127C > T multiple face, hands and feet yes PAVM * NI
Unaffected father of proband Negative for c.-127C > T none none unknown
Unaffected brother of proband Negative for c.-127C > T none none unknown

Family 5 Proband 5 (10 yo) c.-205A > C hands and lip 1/month none Yes
Brother (6 yo) Negative for c.-205A > C hands 1 every 2 months none
Father (38 yo) Negative for c.-205A > C few on hand 1 every 2 months unknown
Mother (38 yo) c.-205A > C none none unknown

Family 6 Proband 6 (4 yo) c.-9G > A 2 face, 1 hand 2/month (mild) none Yes
Mother (26 yo) c.-9G > A 4 hands, 1 face 2/month (mild) none
Grandmother (52 yo) c.-9G > A lips, ear, face, hands 4/month (mild) none

Family 7 Proband 7 (27 yo) c.-9G > A few on face only in childhood unknown No

Family 8 Proband 8 (78 yo) c.-9G > A (homozygous) lips, tongue, ear, hands, face and pharynx daily none No
Son (40 yo) c.-9G > A (obligate carrier- but not tested) lips, face "regular", "bad" none

PAVM: Pulmonary AVM

CAVM: Cerebral AVM

GI: Gastrointestinal

Unknown: has not been tested

*NI: Not informative. Based on family history it is possible that this mutation segregates in the family. However, a de novo event cannot be excluded.