Table 1. Experimental design and disease factors of the causative gene relevant to the statistical power of exome sequencing for RMMDs.
Factor | Symbol | Type | Definition | Impact to power when other factors held constant |
Sample size | n | Design | Number of unrelated patients sequenced | increase |
Locus heterogeneity | R | Disease | Proportion of sequenced patients responsible | decrease |
Dominant/Recessive | Disease | Genetic link of gene to disease. Dominant = 1, recessive = 0 | decrease | |
Relative gene length | w | Disease | Ratio of the length of the gene to the average gene length | decrease |
Sensitivity of detecting mutations | Ps | Design | Probability of a true mutation in the captured region being identified after filtering | increase |
Filtering efficiency | m | Design | Number of mutations identified after filtering | decrease |
Genome size | M | Design | Total number of genes in the captured region | decrease |