Fig. 1.
The effect of expression of −17a.a./+KTS and +17a.a./+KTS WT1 isoforms on glioma chemosensitivity to BCNU. ATP assays, performed 5 days after treatment, were used as a surrogate of cell survival. Percent survival was normalized to untreated controls. a WT1 (−17a.a./+KTS) LNZ308 cells were consistently more chemoresistant compared to the other cells, particularly in the 100–200 μM range. b LN229 and c U87MG cells show little or no benefit from WT1 expression. d Expression of −17a.a./+KTS WT1 in LNZ308 cells was investigated further. Additional experiments performed with more replicates confirm a survival benefit at 100 or 150 μM of BCNU