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. 2012 Jan 16;19(2):219–224. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000597

Table 2.

Categorization of eligible patients as T2DM and non-DM subjects

Data source TPs, N FPs, N TNs, N FNs, N Sensitivity (TP/(TP+FN)),% Specificity (TN/(FP+TN)), % PPV (TP/(TP+FP)), % FNR (FN/(TP+FN)), % p Value*
T2DM subject
 Mayo Clinic alone 513 27 11 948 252 67.1 99.8 95.0 32.9 <0.001
 Mayo Clinic + OMC 765 0 11 975 0 100 100 100 0
Non-DM subject
 Mayo Clinic alone 2683 215 8269 1573 63.0 97.5 92.6 37.0 <0.001
 Mayo Clinic + OMC 4256 0 8484 0 100 100 100 0

p Value for comparison of categorizations between Mayo Clinic alone and Mayo Clinic + OMC.

DM, diabetes mellitus; FNR, false-negative rate; FN, false negative; FP, false positive; OMC, Olmsted Medical Center; PPV, positive predictive value; TN, true negative; TP, true positive; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.