Fig. 1.
Conserved transcription factor binding sites at the Sh3kbp1 locus. (A) Organization of the mouse Sh3kbp1 locus. Note the three major mRNA variants (mRNA-1, -2, and -3), the associated promoters (P1, P2, and P3), and first exons (Exon 1A, 1B, and 1C). (B and C) Individual ExactPlus (EP) hits were submitted to TRANSFAC to identify potential transcription factor binding sites. POU3F2 and SOX10 binding sites are noted in red (B) and blue (C), respectively. (D and E) Mouse genomic sequences within Sh3kbp1 P2 and P3 were submitted to TRANSFAC to identify binding sites for transcription factors with a role in Schwann cell biology. POU3F2 and SOX10 binding sites are noted in red and blue, respectively. Note that the blue text in (D) represents three consecutive SOX10 binding site predictions. Underlined text indicates mRNA sequences, which were not included in computational analyses. (F) Genomic sequences at Sh3kbp1 P3 from six vertebrate species were extracted from the MultiPipMaker alignment file. The POU3F2 binding site is indicated in red. The dimeric, head-to-head SOX10 binding site is indicated in blue and by half-arrows. Note that each SOX10 half site is fully-conserved among vertebrate species with the exception of one nucleotide difference in one half site in chicken.