Figure 5.
Behavioral death phenotype of farnesoid (-) larvae, which exhibited a significantly less incidence of dying at the glass vial/food interface than was the incidence of control animals pupating at that location (P 0 < 0.0001, χ2). Those farnesoid (-) larvae that progressed to L2-3 intramolt before death exhibited a significantly greater incidence of moving up the side of the glass rearing vials just before death than those than died in 2nd instar (P < 0.0001, χ2), and those that attained the newly molted 3rd instar before dying exhibited yet significantly more greater incidence than those dying at L2-3 intramolt, P < 0001, χ2). NM2 = newly molted 2nd instar; L2-3= intramolt from 2nd to 3rd instar; NM3 = newly molted 3rd instar. Interface + = body orientation with head upward onto glass wall and posterior down onto food (see Fig. 10 A). Interface - = body orientation with head downward onto the food and with the posterior upward onto the glass. (n= 400).