(a,b) Normalized excimer fluorescence spectra of pyrene-labeled Sup35NM mutants at 4°C (a) or 37°C (b). Shown are fluorescence spectra of Cys16 (red), Cys89 (blue), Cys108 (black), and Cys238 (pink) mutants.
c) The ratio of excimer fluorescence intensities (470nm) to non-excimer fluorescence intensities (385 nm). Normalized intensities of excimer fluorescence of the pyrene-labeled Sup35NM mutants at 4°C (blue) or 37°C (red) were plotted against amino acid position.
(d) Normalized intensities of excimer fluorescence are plotted against temperature for pyrene-labeled Sup35NM Cys16 (red), Cys26 (orange), Cys46 (yellow), Cys89 (blue) and Cys108 (black) mutants.