Table 1.
Pat. No. |
Age/ Sex |
Location | Presentation | Type* | Suppliers Type |
Venous drainage |
Treatment strategy |
Complications | Follow-up | Clinical outcome |
1. | 42/M | Tentorium (R) | Intracerebellar hemorrhage |
Cognard IV | ECA (R), ICA (R) SCA (R) |
Cerebellar veins, PV, varix |
Transart rials: right MMA; Onyx-18; success; incomplete |
TCR, hemifacial hypoesthesia, hemifacial palsy |
8 month | No symptoms, hemifacial hypoesthesia, resolved within 2 months; hemifacial palsy, resolved within 3 months |
2. | 50/F | InfPS (R) | Headaches, tinnitus, chemosis |
Cognard Ha | VA (R), ECA (R) ICA (R) |
InfPS, SOV | Transarterial: right MMA; Onyx-18; success; incomplete |
TCR, hemifacial hypoesthesia, hemifacial palsy |
8 month | Mild hemifacial palsy; hemifacial hypoesthesia resolved within 2 months |
3. | 47/M | Tentorium (R) | Trigeminal, neuralgia |
Cognard V | ECA (R), ICA (R) |
BVR, varix cvsv |
Transartrials: right MMA; Onyx-18; success; incomplete |
TCR | 1 month | No symptoms | |
4. | 54/M | CS (L) | CNIII plasy (L) |
Cognard IIa | ICA (B) | InfPS | Transvenous: left InfPS; Coils and Onyx; success; complete |
TCR | 13 month | Left CNIII palsy resolved within 4 month |
5. | 57/M | CS (R) | CNIII plasy (R) |
Cognard IIa | ICA (B), ECA (B) |
InfPS | Transvenous: right InfPS; Coils and Onyx;v success; complete |
TCR | 5 month | Right CNIII resolved within 2 month |
* Cognard classification. R. right; L, left; B. bilateral; F. female; M. male;CS. cavernous sinus; SOV, superior ophthalmic vein; InfPS. inferior petrosal sinus; ICA;internal carotid artery; ECA;external carotid artery; VA. vertebral artery; CNIII. the third cranial nerve; PV, petrosal vein; CV. cortical vein; SP. spinal vein; BVR. basal vein of Rosenthal; MMA. middle meningeal artery; SCA. superior cerebellar artery; TCR. trigemino-cardiac reflex. |