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. 2012 Jan 23;141(2 Suppl):53S–70S. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-2288

Table 2.

—[Section 4.1] Evidence Profile: Question: Should LMWH Rather Than VKA be Used for Long-term Treatment of VTE?a,13-15

Quality Assessment
Summary of Findings
Participants (Studies), Median Follow-up Risk of Bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication Bias Overall Quality of Evidence Study Event Rates (%)
Relative Effect, RR (95% CI) Anticipated Absolute Effectsb
With VKA With LMWH Risk With VKA Risk Difference With LMWH (95% CI)
Overall mortality (critical outcome)
2,496 (7 RCTs), 6 mo
No serious risk of bias Selective outcome reporting not seriousc
No serious inconsistency
No serious indirectness
Serious imprecision CI includes important benefit and harm
Moderate due to imprecision
202/1,231 (16.4)
204/1,265 (16.1)
0.96 (0.81-1.13)
164 deaths per 1,000d
7 fewer deaths per 1,000 (from 31 fewer to 21 more)
Recurrent symptomatic VTE (critical outcome): DVT and PE
2,727 (8 RCTs), 6 mo
Serious risk of bias
No serious inconsistency
No serious indirectness
No serious imprecision
Moderate due to risk of bias
105/1,349 (7.8)
67/1,378 (4.9)
0.62 (0.46-0.84)
No cancer
No studies were blinded 30 VTEs per 1,000d
11 fewer VTE per 1,000 (from 5 fewer to 16 fewer)
Nonmetastatic cancer
80 VTEs per 1,000d
30 fewer VTE per 1,000 (from 13 fewer to 43 fewer)
Metastatic cancer
200 VTEs per 1,000d
76 fewer VTE per 1,000 (from 32 fewer to 108 fewer)
Major bleeding (critical outcome)
2,737 (8 RCTs), 6 mo
No serious risk of bias Lack of blinding not seriouse
No serious inconsistency
No serious indirectness
Serious imprecision CI includes important benefit and harm
Moderate due to imprecision
53/1,351 (3.9)
45/1,386 (3.2)
0.81 (0.55-1.2)
No cancer or nonmetastatic cancer
20 bleeds per 1,000f
4 fewer bleeds per 1,000 (from 9 fewer to 4 more)
Metastatic cancer
80 bleeds per 1,000f
15 fewer bleeds per 1,000 (from 36 fewer to 16 more)
PTS (important outcome): self-reported leg symptoms and signs
100 (1 RCT), 3 mo Serious risk of bias Patients and investigators not blinded No serious inconsistency Serious indirectness Predictive value from 3 mo to long term uncertain No serious imprecision Undetected Low due to risk of bias and indirectness 31/44 (70.5) 34/56 (60.7) 0.85 (0.77- 0.94) 200 PTS per 1,000g 30 fewer per 1,000 (from 12 fewer to 46 fewer)

LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin; PTS = postthrombotic syndrome; RCT = randomized control trial; RR = risk ratio; VKA = vitamin K agonist. (Kearon C, unpublished data).h


Limited to LMWH regimens that used ≥ 50% of the acute treatment dose during the extended phase of treatment.


Time frame is 6 mo for all outcomes except PTS, which is 2 y.


One study did not report deaths: borderline decision.


Control event rates from cohort study by Prandoni et al,13 adjusted to 6-mo time frame.


Outcome less subjective: borderline decision.


Control event rates from cohort studies by Prandoni et al13 and Beth et al14 adjusted to 6-mo time frame.


Control event rate comes from observational studies in review by Kahn et al15 adjusted to 2-y time frame. All patients wore pressure stockings.


Meta-analysis is based on RCTs as referenced in the article text. The control event rate for mortality comes from this meta-analysis.