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. 2012 Jan 23;141(2 Suppl):e601S–e636S. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-2302

Table 22.

—[Section 4.1.1] Summary of Findings: Anticoagulation Compared With Antiplatelet Therapy for Secondary Prevention in Patients With a History of Noncardioembolic Ischemic Stroke or TIAn,109

Outcomes No. of Participants (Studies) Follow-up Quality of the Evidence (GRADE) Relative Effect (95% CI) Anticipated Absolute Effects, Time Frame 2 y
Risk With Antiplatelet Risk Difference With Oral Anticoagulation (95% CI)
Overall mortality
5,400 (5 studiesa) 0-5 y
Moderateb-e due to inconsistency
RR, 1.36 (1.09-1.7)
50 deaths per 1,000f
18 more deaths per 1,000 (from 5 more to 35 more)g
Nonfatal recurrent stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic)
5,400 (5 studiesa) 0-5 y
RR, 1.03 (0.88-1.22)
106 strokes per 1,000f
3 more strokes per 1,000 (from 13 fewer to 23 more)
Nonfatal MI
1,637 (2 studiesa) 3-5 y
Moderatei-k due to imprecision
RR, 0.91 (0.59-1.4)
13 MIs per 1,000f
1 fewer MIs per 1,000 (from 5 fewer to 5 more)
Nonfatal major extracranial hemorrhage 3,194 (4 studiesl) 0-5 y Highb,d,m RR, 3.60 (2.29-5.66) 10 bleeding events per 1,000f 26 more bleeding events per 1,000 (from 13 more to 47 more)

See Table 1, 2, 15, and 17 legends for expansion of abbreviations.


Garde (1983), SPIRIT (1997), WASID (2000), WARSS (2001), and ESPRIT (2007).


Of the five studies, allocation was concealed in four (unclear in Garde 1983), outcome adjudicators were blinded in four (not blinded in Garde 1983), analysis was ITT in four (unclear in Garde 1983), and follow-up ranged from 97% to 100%.




INR target range was 2-3 in two studies (WASID, ESPRIT), 1.4-2.8 in one study (WARSS), 3-4.5 in one study (SPIRIT). Thrombin time was 7%-15% in one study (Garde). We did not downgrade for indirectness.


CI includes both values suggesting anticoagulation is harmful and values suggesting anticoagulation is no different from antiplatelets. The quality of evidence could be considered as moderate if considering mortality as either unchanged or worsened with anticoagulation given a lower CI of 0.98.


Baseline event rates based on aspirin arm of the CAPRIE trial and adjusted for 2-y time frame.


Aspirin (≥75 mg/d) reduces cancer-related mortality (HR=0.8) with long-term use (>5 y). Cancer-related mortality was not listed separately as an outcome because survival of stroke patients is relatively short (median survival, 5 y) and because cancer-related mortality is captured by overall mortality.


WASID (2000) and ESPRIT (2007).


Of the two studies (WASID, ESPRIT), allocation was concealed in both, outcome adjudicators were blinded in both, analysis was ITT in both, and follow-up ranged from 97% to 98%.


INR target range was 2-3 in both studies (WASID, ESPRIT).


CI includes both values suggesting harm and benefit.


Garde (1983), SPIRIT (1997), WASID (2000), and ESPRIT (2007).


Although I2=80%, we did not downgrade for inconsistency as all point estimates suggest increased major bleeding.


The antiplatelet used in all studies was aspirin.