Figure 3. Function of Netrins in peripheral dendritic targeting and expression of Netrin-B.
(A–D) Analysis of targeting of class III da neuron ddaA (marked by 189Y-Gal4, UAS-mCD8::GFP) in (A) WT (n=13), (B) NetABΔ (n=7), (C) NetAΔ (n=7) and (D) NetBΔ (n=13) third instar larvae. A–D show representative images of area surrounding LF. The location of the chordotonal organ, labeled in the HRP channel (not shown), is indicated by a yellow line, and the region corresponding to LF indicated by a yellow circle. Targeting is disrupted in NetABΔ and NetBΔ mutant larvae.
(E) The distances of the closest major branch tip to LF in WT, NetABΔ, NetAΔ, and NetBΔ animals.
(F) NetBtm levels are highly enriched in the chordotonal organ of third instar larvae (arrowheads).
(G) Quantification of closest tip to LF in ΔNetA,NetBmyc (n=10) and ΔNetA,NetBtm (n=17) larvae.
(H) Morphology and chordotonal organ targeting of single wild-type FLP-out clone of ddaA.
(I) Lack of chordotonal targeting of ddaA neuron as revealed by a single FLP-out clone expressing Unc5 under the control of 109(2)80-Gal4.
(J) Plot of the closest branch tip to LF in wild-type (WT, n=10) and UAS-Unc5-expressing (n=6) ddaA neurons.
All scale bars = 50μm.
Datasets are presented in boxplots as median (thick line), quartiles Q1–Q3 (25%–75% quantiles; shaded box), and data in 1.5× quartile range (dashed bars). Data points outside these ranges are indicated as open circles.
* = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01; *** = p < 0.001 by Wilcoxon rank-sum test
See also Supplemental Figure S3