Postprandial subjective appetite ratings. Mean (±SEM) ratings and AUCt (insets) of subjective hunger (A) and fullness (B) after ingestion of study preloads; n = 52. The bracket indicates the time allotted for preload demonstration and consumption. Comparisons were based on repeated-measures ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni multiple-comparison tests. Significant main effects of treatment and treatment-by-time interactions were observed for hunger and fullness (both P < 0.001). Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments at a given time point: a,b,cDifferences between L-L and L-S, S-L, or S-S preloads, respectively; P < 0.05. d,eDifferences between L-S and S-L or S-S preloads, respectively; P < 0.05. Different symbols indicate significant differences between treatment AUCt: P < 0.05. AUCt, total AUC; L-L, oral liquid/perceived gastric liquid; L-S, oral liquid/perceived gastric solid; S-L, oral solid/perceived gastric liquid; S-S, oral solid/perceived gastric solid.