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. 2011 Mar 31;109(3):505–519. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr062

Table 1.

Main characteristics of the 48 gynodioecious species and occurrence of female advantage

Fitness traits
Species Family SI/SC Poll Life cycle Genetics FA? Females are better Females are not better No differences References
Beta vulgaris Amaranthaceae SI W P NC NO NFL, SS, NS, G Boutin-Stadler (1987); Dufay et al. (2009)*
Gingidia flabellata Apiaceae P FA FS NFL Webb (1981)
Cirsium chikushiense Asteraceae SI E P NO NFL Kawabuko (1994)
Echium vulgare Boraginaceae SC E Bisa NC FA FS, SS, NS NFL, SM, G Klinkhamer et al. (1991*, 1994)
Eritrichum aretioides Boraginaceae pSC E P FA SM, G NFL, SS Puterbaugh et al. (1997)
Phacelia linearis Boraginaceae SC E A N FA NS SM, SS, G, Surv Eckhart (1992a, b)
Raphanus sativus Brassicaceae SI E A NC NO NFL, NS, G SM Miyake et al. (2009)
Opuntia quimilo Cactaceae SC E P FA FS NFL,SS Diaz and Cocucci, 2003
Lobelia siphilitica Campanulaceae SC E P NC FA NFL, NS SS, NFL Caruso and Yakobowski (2008); Caruso and Case (2007*); Caruso et al. (2003)
Dianthus sylvestris Caryophyllaceae SC E P FA NFL, SM SS, G Collin et al. (2002)
Moehringia lateriflora Caryophyllaceae pSC E P VAR FS, SS FS, SS Sugawara (1993)
Schiedea adamantis Caryophyllaceae SC W/E P N FA FS, SM, SS NFL, G, Surv-Ad, Sakai et al. (1997)
Schiedea salicaria Caryophyllaceae SC W/E P N VAR G, SM, SS NFL, FS, SM, SS, G Weller and Sakai (2005)
Silene acaulis Caryophyllaceae SC E P NC FA FS NFL Shykoff (1992*); Hermanutz and Innes (1994)
Silene italica Caryophyllaceae SC E P NC FA FS, SM NFL NFL Maurice (1999); Lafuma and Maurice (2006)
Silene nutans Caryophyllaceae SC E P NC NO NFL Dufay et al. (2010)
Silene stockenii Caryophyllaceae SC E A NC NO FS, SS Talavera et al. (1996)
Silene vulgaris Caryophyllaceae SC E P NC FA FS, SM, SS SS, G Dulberger and Horovitz (1984); Olson et al. (2006); Andersson et al. (2008*)
Clusia nemorosa Clusiaceae SC E P FA FS Lopes and Machado (1998)
Wurmbea biglandulosa Colchicaceae SC E P VAR NFL, SS, NS, G SM, NS SS, Surv Ramsey and Vaughton (2002); Vaughton and Ramsey (2004)
Cucurbita foetidissima Cucurbitaceae SC E P N FA NFL,NS SS FS,SM Kohn (1989)
Erythroxylum havanense Erythroxylaceae SI E P FA FS, Surv-Ad Avila-Sakar and Dominguez (2000); Rosas et al. (2005)
Geranium maculatum Geraniaceae SC E P FA NFL, FS, SM, SS, NS, G, Surv NFL, FS, G, Surv Agren and Willson (1991); Chang (2006)
Geranium sylvaticum Geraniaceae SC E P VAR FS, SS, NS NFL,SM,G,Surv Asikainen and Mutikainen (2003, 2005); Ramula and Mutikainen (2003)
Nemophila menziesii Hydrophyllaceae SC E A NC FA NS NFL Barr (2004)
Iris douglasiana Iridaceae SC E P Amb. SS SS Uno (1982)
Glechoma longituba Lamiaceae SC E P VAR SM, SS SS Zhang et al. (2008)
Lycopus maackianus Lamiaceae . E P FA NS Hong and Moon (2003)
Thymus vulgaris Lamiaceae SC E P NC FA NS, G Assouad et al. (1978)
Limnanthes douglasii Limnanthaceae SC E A NC FA NFL Kesseli and Jain (1984, 1985)
Nototriche compacta Malvaceae SC E P NO SS FS, SS Garcia-Franco and Arroyo (1995)
Sidalcea hendersonii Malvaceae SC E P N VAR SS FS, SS Marshall and Ganders (2001)
Sidalcea malviflora Malvaceae SC E P NC FA SS Graff (1999)
Chionographis japonica Melianthaceae SC E P FA NS NFL Maki (1993)
Satyrium ciliatum Orchidaceae SC E P FA FS Huang et al. (2009)
Hebe subalpina Plantaginaceae SC E P FA FS NFL Delph (1993)
Plantago coronopus Plantaginaceae SC W A NC Amb. NFL, SM SS SS, Surv Koelewijn (1996, 1998); Koelewijn and VanDamme (1996*)
Plantago lanceolata Plantaginaceae SI W P NC FA NFL, NS, SM, Surv-Ad SM, SS, G, Surv Poot et al. (1996); Vandamme and Vandelden, (1982*, 1984)
Plantago maritima Plantaginaceae Mainly SI W P NC VAR NFL, SM, NS FS, SS, NS Nilsson and Agren (2006)
Chionochloa bromoides Poaceae SC W NO NFL, SS Connor (1990)
Cortaderia richardii Poaceae SC W P N FA SM, G Connor (1965)
Fragaria virginiana Rosaceae SC E P N FA FS, NFL, NS NFL Ashman (1999, 2003); Case and Ashman (2007)
Prunus mahaleb Rosaceae pSC E P FA NFL, SM, NF FS G Jordano (1993)
Bequaertiodendron magalismontanum Sapotaceae E P FA FS Steyn and Robbertse (1990)
Saxifraga granulata Saxifragaceae SC E P NC Amb. SM, G SS NFL Stevens and Richards (1985*); Stevens (1988)
Daphne laureola Thymelaeceae SC E P NO NFL FS SM, FS Alonso and Herrera (2001); Alonso (2005); Alonso et al. (2007)
Gnidia wikstroemiana Thymelaeceae SC E P FA NFL FS Beaumont et al. (2006); Smith (2009*)
Kallstroemia grandiflora Zygophyllaceae SC E A Amb. FS SS NS, SM Cuevas et al. (2008)

For each species is listed: whether it is self-compatible (SC), partially self-compatible (pSC) or self-incompatible (SI); its pollination mode (Poll), if it is either wind pollinated (W) or entomophilous (E); whether it is perennial (P), bisannual (Bisa) or annual (A) and, where known, the determination of sex (NC, nuclear–cytoplasmic; N, nuclear). This table reports the traits for which studies have found a female advantage, a female disavadvantage or no difference between females and hermaphrodites. When the same trait is found in several categories for a given species, it means that either different studies found contradictory results or that results vary according to the population or year. Abbreviation for the traits are the followings: NFL, number of flowers; FS, fruit set; SS, seed set; NS, number of seeds per plant; NF, number of fruits per plant; SM, seed mass or size; G, germination; Surv, survival of offspring; Surv-Ad, adult survival. Only results obtained on open-pollinated flowers are reported here. The column ‘FA’ summarizes all reported results, by indicating whether a female advantage has been statistically demonstrated by the original studies for at least one trait (FA), ambiguous cases (Amb.), species for which female advantage varies with populations (VAR) and species for which no female advantage has been found (NO). References tagged with an asterisk are those that were used for reporting data on sex ratios but not on fitness traits.