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. 2011 Sep 20;109(3):553–562. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcr219

Table 3.

Studies examining associations between the reproductive assurance benefit of selfing and factors thought to limit outcross pollen in nature

Species Study* Selfing = RA? Selfing variation§ Potential correlate of ↑ selfing? References
Studies identifying an environmental correlate of RA
Aquilegia canadensis CP Yes s ↓ Plant density Herlihy and Eckert, 2004
Arenaria uniflora MP Yes Flower size ↑ Heterospecific pollen Fishman and Wyatt, 1999
Bulbine vagans MP Yes R Inclement weather Vaughton and Ramsey, 2010
Campanula spp. CP Yes s ↓ Pollinator visitation Inouye et al., 1996
Clarkia xantiana CP, CG Yes Herkogamy ↓ Pollinator abundance; ↓ plant density Moeller and Geber, 2005; Moeller, 2006
Collinsia parviflora CP, CG Yes R, flower size ↓ Pollinator visitation Kennedy and Elle, 2008; Elle and Carney, 2003
Eichhornia paniculata CP Yes s ↓ Plant density Barrett et al., 1989; Husband and Barrett, 1991
Linanthus spp. CP Yes SC ↑ Variation in pollen limitation Goodwillie, 2001
Phyllodoce aleutica CP Yes s ↓ Pollinator activity Kameyama and Kudo, 2009
Paris quadrifolia CP Yes R ↓ Plant density Jacquemyn and Brys, 2008
Primula vulgaris CP, CG Yes Heterostyly ↓ Pollinator visitation Piper et al., 1986
Ranunculus reptans CP Unknown SC ↓ Mate availability Willi, 2009
Schizanthus spp. MP Yes R ↑ Pollinator specialization Perez et al., 2009
Studies not identifying an environmental correlate of RA
Aquilegia canadensis CP Yes s ↓ Plant density range edges Herlihy and Eckert, 2005; Eckert et al., 2009b
Arenaria uniflora CP Unknown Flower size ↓ Pollinator visitation Wyatt, 1986
Crepis sancta CP Unknown s Earlier successional stages Cheptou et al., 2002
Datura stramonium CP Yes R ↓ Plant density van Kleunen et al., 2007
Eichhornia paniculata CP Unknown Heterostyly ↓ Pollinator visitation Husband and Barrett, 1992
Eritrichium nanum CP Unknown s ↑ Altitude Wirth et al., 2010
Gesnerieae spp. CP Yes R ↑ Pollinator specialization Marten-Rodriguez and Fenster, 2010
Helleborus foetidus CP Yes R ↓ Pollinator visitation Herrera et al., 2001
Leavenworthia alabamica CG Yes SC Range edges Busch, 2005
Nicotiana glauca CP Yes R ↓ Pollinator visitation Schueller, 2004

* Studies involve either correlations among populations (CP), manipulations of pollination environment (MP) or common garden experiments (CG).

‘Yes’ denotes that a study used floral emasculation in natural populations to test if selfing provides reproductive assurance.

In these cases, reproductive assurance is inferred because selfing plants produce more seed than closely related outcrossers

§ Studies were included if they measured the selfing rate inferred with molecular markers (s), variation in self-compatibility (SC), key indicators of selfing, or the reproductive assurance benefit of selfing R = 1 – (seed seetemasculated/seed setintact).

Factors that were investigated to see if they correlate positively (↑) or negatively (↓) with an increase in selfing.