Table 1.
Most early transcriptional changes in basal cells depleted of Srf involve regulators of actomyosin and not cell cycle, inflammation, ABP or Notch signalling genes.
Actomyosin | Fblim1(−3.7)* Cnn2(−3.1)* Actb(−2.0)* Flna(−1.8)* Arhgap24(−1.8)* Actg1(−1.7)* Wdr1(−1.6)* Pfn2(−1.3)* Gsn(−1.3)* |
cytoskeleton | Myh9† Myh10† Myh14† Myl9† |
Cell adhesion | Gjb5(−2.6)* Pcad20(−2.2)* Dsg1b(−1.8)* Tns4(−1.6)* Cdh1† Ctnna1† Ctnnb1† Tjp1† Tjp2† Ocln† Itgb1† |
Immediate early genes |
Egr2(−8.6)* Egr1(−5.0)* Egr3(−3.9)* Fos† Junb† |
Immune response |
Il1b† Il6† Il18† Ccl2† Ccl27a† S100a8† S100a9† |
Cell cycle | Mki67† Ccna1† Ccna2† Ccnb1† Ccnb2† Ccnd1† Ccnd2(1.5)‡ Ccnd3† Ccne1† Ccne2† |
Notch signalling | Notch1† Notch2† Notch3† Jag1† Jag2 † Dll1† |
Apico-basal | Pard3† Pard3b† Pard6a† Pard6b† Pard6g † Prkcc† Prkcz† |
polarity |
Embryos were from K14–Cre×Rosa26YFP fl/fl ×Srf fl/fl (wild-type and cKO littermates). Basal cells active for Cre recombinase expressed YFP and were enriched for surface α6-integrin. After FACS purification, mRNAs were subjected in duplicate for microarray analyses. Data from two independent arrays revealed 72 mRNAs that scored as up- or downregulated by at least 1.5-fold with P <0.05. DAVID clustering analyses showed that the affected process is the actomyosin cytoskeleton, whereas ABP, Notch, cell cycle regulators and pro-inflammation associated genes showed no change at this early time.
Decrease in early (E16.5) mRNA expression
No change in early (E16.5) mRNA expression
Increase in early (E16.5) mRNA expression