Figure 5. Negation of Kv7 by dynamic clamp facilitates the induction of LTP.
A) Negative dynamic clamp Kv7 conductance facilitates LTP. Coincident TBP of subthreshold EPSPs and somatic action potentials induced pathway specific LTP in the test (black circles), but not in control (white circles) pathways. The arrow indicates the timing of the TBP protocol. Example voltage traces show the initial burst of 5 coincident EPSPs and action potentials and a single test burst of 5 subthreshold EPSPs. Example current traces from a single experiment illustrating the mean EPSC response during the baseline (1) and at 30–35 minutes (2) in the test and control pathways. B) Positive dynamic clamp conductance significantly diminished the amount of LTP in the presence of XE-991 (10 µM).