Figure 3.
KO of SK1 protects p53 KO mice from thymic lymphoma. (a) Representative MRI of chest cavity from a mouse of each genotype. Post-imaging, necropsy, and histology confirmed that the large white mass observed was thymic lymphoma, the characteristic lesion observed in p53 KO mice, with a smaller mass observed in SK1 Het mice and a normal thymus and clear chest cavity in the DKO mouse. (b) Weight of thymi dissected from male mice immediately after euthanization at 120 days-of-age. Data are averages of thymic weight from 5–9 mice of each genotype ± SEM. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.02 by Student’s t test). (c) H & E stain of thymi with histology representative of what was found for each genotype. (d) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of p53 KO mice with different SK1 genotypes. Each point represents a mouse that died naturally or was sacrificed due to tumor burden or unthriftiness, whereas the n listed includes mice that are still living, all of which contribute to the survival estimate curve. Differences between the survival curves are statistically significant (by log-rank comparison P < 0.04).