Table 4.
Reported complications in the studies (n=13) approved to the systematic review of clavicle fractures
Author, year, country | Methodsa | Non-union | Mal-union | Delayed union | Wound infection | Hardwareorbandage irritation | Mechanical failure of osteosynthesis | Protrusion or dislocation of implant | CRPSa | Brachial plexus symptoms | Other | All complications (%) |
Hoofwijk 1988 Netherlands | RSB M |
4/74 0/78 |
1/74 0/78 |
0/74 1/78 |
5/74 (7) 1/78 (1) |
COTSa 2007 Canada | Plate Sling |
2/62 7/49 |
0/62 9/49 |
3/62 | 5/62 | 1/62 | 0/62 1/49 |
8/62 7/49 |
4/62 7/49 |
23/62 (37) 31/49 (63) |
Shen 2008 China | 3DPSP | 1/67 8/66 |
1/67 (1) 8/66 (12) |
Judd 2009 United States | H pin Sling |
1/29 1/28 |
1/29 | 6/29 superf. 2/29 deep |
9/29 | 1/29 | 2/29 1/28 |
22/29 (76) 2/28 (7) |
Smekal 2009, 2011, Austria b | ESIN Sling |
0/60 6/52 |
0/60 2/52 |
2/60 9/52 |
1/60 | 5/60 | 9/60 | 0/60 3/52 |
1/60 0/52 |
18/60 (30) 20/52 (39) |
Ferran 2010 UK | RP Plate |
0/17 0/15 |
0/17 3/15 |
1/17 0/15 |
1/17 0/15 |
2/17 1/15 |
4/17 (24) 4/15 (27) |
Jubel 2005 Germany | ESIN RSB |
0/26 2/27 |
0/26 0/27 |
7/26 9/27 |
4/26 0/27 |
1/26 4/27 |
2/26 6/27 |
14/26 (54) 21/27 (78) |
Lee 2007 Taiwan | KP Plate |
0/32 1/30 |
0/32 1/30 |
4/32 12/30 |
0/32 2/30 |
4/32 (13) 16/30 (53) |
Lee 2008 Taiwan | KP Plate |
0/56 1/32 |
0/56 1/32 |
4/56 12/32 |
0/56 1/32 |
4/56 (7) 15/32 (47) |
Pai 2009 Taiwan | LCP NLP |
1/29 1/35 |
0/29 1/35 |
11/29 14/35 |
0/29 4/35 |
12/29 (41) 20/35 (57) |
Hsu 2010 Taiwan | HP TB |
0/35 0/30 |
9/35 0/30 |
0/35 5/30 |
9/35 (26) 5/30 (12) |
Böhme 2011 Germany | RSB Plate ESIN |
1/47 0/53 0/20 |
1/47 0/53 0/20 |
1/47 0/53 0/20 |
2/53 0/20 |
0/47 4/53 1/20 |
0/47 0/53 1/20 |
4/47 1/53 1/20 |
7/47 (15) 7/53 (13) 3/20 (15) |
Kulshrestha 2011, India | Plate Sling |
0/45 8/28 |
2/45 10/28 |
2/45 0/28 |
4/45 | 2/45 | 2/45 8/28 |
12/45 (27) 26/28 (93) |
a Abbreviations:
CRPS= Complex regional pain syndrome
RSB=Rucksack bandage
M = Mitella
COTS = Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society
3DP = Three-dimensional plate
SP = Superior plate
H pin = Hagie pin
ESIN = Elastic stable intramedullary nail
RP = Rockwood pin
KP = Knowles pin
LCP = Locking compression plate
NLP = Non-locking plate
HP = Hook plate
TB = Tension band
b Studies are assessed to originate from the same patient population. Results are reported from the recent (2011) study.