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. 2012 Feb 14;7(2):e31826. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031826

Table 2. Scores for experiment types.

Technique PSI score Technique PSI Score
3 hybrid method MI:0588 5 footprinting MI:0417 3
acetylation assay 7.5 FRET 6
Affinity Capture-Luminescence 5 gal4 vp16 complementation MI:0728 5
Affinity Capture-MS 5 genetic interference MI:0254 0
Affinity Capture-RNA 2 gst pull down MI:0059 5
Affinity Capture-Western 5 gtpase assay MI:0419 7.5
affinity chromatography technology MI:0004 5 his pull down MI:0061 5
affinity technology MI:0400 5 homogeneous time resolved fluorescence MI:0510 7
anti bait coimmunoprecipitation MI:0006 5 imaging technique MI:0428 1
anti tag coimmunoprecipitation MI:0007 5 in vitro MI:0492 1
antibody array MI:0678 5 in vivo MI:0493 1
array technology MI:0008 3 in-gel kinase assay MI:0423 7.5
atomic force microscopy MI:0872 9 inferred by curator MI:0364 1
beta galactosidase complementation MI:0010 5 ion exchange chromatography MI:0226 3
beta lactamase complementation MI:0011 5 isothermal titration calorimetry MI:0065 10
bimolecular fluorescence complementation MI:0809 6 kinase homogeneous time resolved fluorescence MI:0420 7.5
Biochemical MI:0401 1 lambda phage display MI:0066 6
Biochemical Activity 5 lex-a dimerization assay MI:0369 5
bioluminescence resonance energy transfer MI:0012 6 light microscopy MI:0426 1
Biophysical MI:0013 1 light scattering MI:0067 10
blue native page MI:0276 3 mammalian protein protein interaction trap MI:0231 6
chromatin immunoprecipitation assay MI:0402 2 mass spectrometry studies of complexes MI:0069 5
chromatography technology MI:0091 1 methyltransferase assay MI:0515 7.5
circular dichroism MI:0016 9 methyltransferase radiometric assay MI:0516 7.5
classical fluorescence spectroscopy MI:0017 7.5 molecular sieving MI:0071 2
Co-crystal Structure 10 no experiment assigned 0
Co-fractionation 1 nuclear magnetic resonance MI:0077 10
Co-localization 1 peptide array MI:0081 5
Coimmunoprecipitation MI:0019 5 phage display MI:0084 6
colocalization by fluorescent probes cloning MI:0021 1 phosphatase assay MI:0434 7.5
colocalization by immunostaining MI:0022 1 phosphotransfer assay 7.5
colocalization/visualisation technologies MI:0023 1 polymerization MI:0953 5
comigration in gel electrophoresis MI:0807 3 protease assay MI:0435 7.5
comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis MI:0404 3 protein array MI:0089 5
comigration in sds page MI:0808 3 protein complementation assay MI:0090 5
competition binding MI:0405 5 protein cross-linking with a bifunctional reagent MI:0031 5
confocal microscopy MI:0663 1 protein kinase assay MI:0424 7.5
Copurification MI:0025 2 protein tri hybrid MI:0437 5
Cosedimentation MI:0027 2 Protein-peptide 5
cosedimentation in solution MI:0028 2 Protein-RNA 0
cosedimentation through density gradient MI:0029 2 pull down MI:0096 2.5
cross-linking study MI:0030 5 pull-down/mass spectrometry 5
deacetylase assay MI:0406 7.5 Reconstituted Complex 10
demethylase assay MI:0870 7.5 reverse phase chromatography MI:0227 1
dihydrofolate reductase reconstruction MI:0111 6 reverse two hybrid MI:0726 5
dynamic light scattering MI:0038 9 ribonuclease assay MI:0920 7.5
electron microscopy MI:0040 5 saturation binding MI:0440 7.5
electron paramagnetic resonance MI:0042 9 scintillation proximity assay MI:0099 7.5
electron tomography MI:0410 9 solid phase assay MI:0892 1
electrophoretic mobility shift assay MI:0413 2 surface plasmon resonance MI:0107 10
electrophoretic mobility supershift assay MI:0412 2 t7 phage display MI:0108 6
enzymatic study MI:0415 1 tandem affinity purification MI:0676 5
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay MI:0411 5 tox-r dimerization assay MI:0370 5
experimental interaction detection MI:0045 1 transcriptional complementation assay MI:0232 5
far western blotting MI:0047 5 transmission electron microscopy MI:0020 5
filamentous phage display MI:0048 6 two hybrid fragment pooling approach MI:0399 5
filter binding MI:0049 5 Two-hybrid MI:0018 5
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy MI:0052 10 ubiquitin reconstruction MI:0112 5
fluorescence microscopy MI:0416 1 x ray scattering MI:0826 9
fluorescence polarization spectroscopy MI:0053 10 x-ray crystallography MI:0114 10
fluorescence technology MI:0051 1 x-ray fiber diffraction MI:0825 9
fluorescence-activated cell sorting MI:0054 1 yeast display MI:0115 5
fluorescent resonance energy transfer MI:0055 6