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. 2010 Mar 12;36(1):93–101. doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9449-4

Table 1.

Comparison between medical BAN and general WSN

Medical BAN General WSN
Common features Limited resources: battery, computation, memory, energy efficiency Diversity coexistence environment low/modest data rate, low/modest duty cycle Dynamic network scale, plug-and-play, heterogeneous devices ability, dense distribution
Sensor/ actuator Single-function device Multi-function device
Fast relative movement in small range device lifetime, days, <10 years (implant sensor) Rare or slow movement in large range network lifetime and device lifetime, months, <10 years
Safe (low SAR) and quality first Cost sensitive
Dependability Reliability (first), guaranteed QoS Expected QoS, redundancy-based reliability
Strongly security (except emergency) Required security
Networking Small scale star network Large scale hierarchical network redundant distribution
No redundancy in device Random node distribution
Random node distributionDeterministic node distribution
Traffic Periodical real time (dominant), burst (priority) Burst (dominant), periodical
Uni-directional traffic Uni-directional or bi-directional traffic
M:1 communication M:1 or point-point communication
channel Specific medical channel, ISM band ISM band
Body surface or through body Obstacle is unknown