Figure 5. TNPs do not efficiently differentiate upon intrathymic transfer.
BM derived MPPs, CLPs and TNPs from C57BL/6 mice were sorted and 20,000 cells were intrathymically injected into non-irradiated CD45.1 mice or CD45.1/2 mice. A) Donor derived cells were analyzed in thymus by FACS for the expression of CD45.1 and CD45.2 at 3 weeks after transfer. B) Donor derived cells from MPPs, CLPs and TNPs were also analyzed for CD4 and CD8 surface expression for identification of DN (CD4−CD8−), DP (CD4+CD8+) and SP (CD4+ or CD8+) cells. C) Donor derived electronically gated DN cells from MPPs, CLPs and TNPs were analyzed for CD117 and CD25 surface expression for identification of DN subsets (DN1: CD117+CD25−; DN2: CD117+CD25+; DN3: CD117−CD25+). One representative experiment out of three independent experiments with 3 mice each is shown. D) Combined analysis of 3 experiments with each 3 mice per group. Error bars indicate SEM.