Figure 2.
DAT and SERT binding. (a) DAT decreases (mean±SEM), expressed as percent of average values in saline-pretreated controls, in rats pretreated with (±)-METH (4 × 10 mg/kg, 2-h intervals; n=25) or saline (SAL; n=29) approximately 7 weeks prior to being killed. (b) SERT decreases (mean±SEM), expressed as percent of average values in saline-pretreated controls, in rats pretreated with METH (n=12) or saline (n=11) approximately 7 weeks after METH pretreatment. *Significantly different from SAL-pretreated values for the same brain region (p<0.01). Cg, cingulate cortex; PLC, prelimbic cortex; ILC, infralimbic cortex; mOFC, medial orbitofrontal cortex; vOFC, ventral OFC; lOFC, lateral OFC.