Figure 5.
Increased immunostimulation by tRNA lacking Gm18. (A) PBMCs were stimulated with whole tRNA preparations from either WT E. coli or a deletion mutant of the Gm18 MTase trmH (ΔtrmH). RNA preparations (500 ng/ml) were also digested with RNase A. To account for donor variance, the IFN-α response at 500 ng/ml RNA from ΔtrmH was used for normalization. nd, not detectable (n = 4–6; mean + SEM; RNase A digests, n = 2). (B) PBMCs were stimulated with a fixed concentration (830 ng/ml) of tRNAPhe, and tRNATyr was added in a ratio as indicated (n = 3 donors with each donor stimulated by tRNAPhe alone set to 100% to account for donor variance; mean + SEM).