ARID2 is essential for activation of expression of Bglap (encoding osteocalcin).
A, expression of Bglap during differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells was determined by qRT-PCR with Bglap-specific primers. Shown are mean values relative to uninduced (Day 0) with S.E. (n = 3). B, parental cells, the cell line transfected with the non-targeting control sequence, or ARID2-depleted cells were cultured in differentiation medium, and total RNA was isolated at days 0 and 21 as indicated; qRT-PCR was performed with Bglap-specific primers. Shown here are mean values relative to the parental line with S.E. (n = 3). C, ChIP analysis was performed on parental and ARID2-depleted cells at days 0, 14, and 21 after induction to determine the association pattern of the ATPase and ARID family subunits and selected transcriptional activators on the Bglap promoter. IP, immunoprecipitation.