X-ray curve fits for the best-fit models of MBL oligomers. A, C, E, and G, black open circles represent the experimental I(Q) scattering curves, and the gray continuous lines represent the best-fit MBL modeled I(Q) curves. The modeled P(r) curves in continuous gray lines are shown as insets in the upper right, with the experimental P(r) curves shown in black. A and B, best curve fit for the MBL monomer is shown, together with its best-fit structure, based on the CRD-collagen optimization search for the MBL monomer (Table 2). C and D, best curve fit for the MBL dimer is shown, together with its best-fit structure. The 2nd lower curve fit corresponds to 20% monomer and 80% dimer (see text), and the resulting P(r) curves is shown as a dashed gray line in the inset. The approximate angle between the two collagen helices is also shown. E and F, best curve fit for the MBL trimer is shown, together with its best-fit structure. The 2nd lower curve fit corresponds to 10% monomer, 10% dimer, and 80% trimer (see text). G and H, best curve fit for the MBL tetramer is shown, together with its best-fit structure.