Attenuated adipose tissue fibrosis in HF 11βHSD1−/−. A, representative images of picrosirius red (S RED) staining in subcutaneous (sc) and mesenteric (mes) adipose. Bold arrowheads show collagen deposition surrounding the adipocytes, and arrows point to the streaks of collagen between adipocytes. WT CD, chow-fed control; wt HF, HF-fed control; KO CD, chow-fed 11βHSD1−/−; KO HF, HF 11βHSD1−/−. B, α-SMA immunohistochemistry in mesenteric adipose; brown stained myofibroblasts are indicated by arrows. 30–40 fields (magnification ×200) per section were assessed in each group. Right, quantification histograms (n = 6/genotype) showing WT HF (white bars) versus KO HF (black bars) *, p < 0.05.