Figure 2.
Analysis of lung inflammation. (A) Total and lineage-specific leukocyte numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) one day after the last NTHi or saline aerosol exposure are shown (n = 4, mean ± SE, *= P < 0.05 for NTHi or NNK/NTHi-exposed Gprc5a-/- mice vs PBS or NNK-exposed Gprc5a-/- mice). (B) Histologic grading of inflammation in lung tissue from each treatment group (n = 6, mean ± SE, *= P < 0.05 for NNK vs PBS, **= P < 0.05 for NTHi vs NNK, and ***= P < 0.05 for NNK/NTHi-exposed Gprc5a-/- mice vs NTHi-exposed Gprc5a-/- mice).