Results of the social network size questionnaire. (a) Geometric mean of individual's social network size is plotted for the nine item questions in the questionnaire, namely, FBN (number of friends on Facebook), Pho (number of friends in their phonebook), Par (number of friends to be invited to a party), OS (number of friends outside school), IS (number of friends from school), BD (number of friends present at birthday party), Txt (number of friends one would send a text message for a celebratory event), Cha (number of friends one would meet for a chat) and Fav (number of friends one could ask a favour). Note that the mean network size is much larger for FB. (b) Correlation between number of friends on Facebook and other measures. Statistical significance is denoted by asterisks (*p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01, Bonferroni-corrected for multiple comparison across the eight scores). Correlation was computed based on the square root of the declared number of friends for each question to correct for strong skew in the distribution. Influences of age and gender were regressed out by computing partial correlations.