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. 2012 Feb 20;3:65. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00065

Table 2.

Comparison of characteristics of sulfate-reducing isolates from IODP Site U1301: temperature range of growth, morphology, substrate utilization, and alternative electron acceptors.

Isolated strain P20 P23 P18

Closest relative in GenBank Desulfovibrio aespoeensisT Desulfovibrio indonesiensisT Desulfotignum balticumT
Sediment depth (mbsf) 1.30 260.43 260.43
Trange 20–35°C 10–48°C 4–48°C
Topt 25°C 25–35°C 25–35°C
Morphology Highly motile, thin, vibrio like, spirilloid cells, 3.8 μm (±0.9 μm) long, 0.4 μm (±0.1 μm) thick Motile, vibrio shaped cells, 2.7 μm (±0.4 μm) long, 0.7 μm (±0.1 μm) thick Non-motile, short thick rods with rounded ends, 2.3 μm (±0.4 μm) long, 1.0 μm (±0.1 μm) thick
H2, CO2 + acetate (1 mM) + + +**
H2, CO2 (excess) +* +**
Acetate (5 mM) (+)
Benzoate (2.5 mM) +
Betaine (2 mM) n.t. +
Butanol (5 mM) + + (No H2S)
Butyrate (5 mM) (+)
Ethanol (5 mM) +
Formate (5 mM) + + (+) Slow
Fumarate (5 mM) + +
Lactate (5 mM) + + +
Propanol (5 mM) (+)
Pyruvate (5 mM) + +
Succinate (5 mM) (+) Slow
Ethanol (5 mM) (+) Slow (+) Slow
Betaine (2 mM) n.t. n.t. +
Pyruvate (5 mM) (+) +
Sulfate (28 mM) + + +
Sulfite (10 mM) + + +
Thiosulfate (10 mM) + + +
Fe(III) hydroxide (∼40 mM) (+) (+)
Mn(IV) (20 mM) (+) (+)

+, Substrate used for growth as indicated by turbidity increase and production of H2S in the presence of sulfate, sulfite, or thiosulfate; (+), poor growth, no turbidity increase, but significant production of H2S, in the presence of sulfate; −, no growth; n.t., not tested.

*Even in absence of vitamins and resazurin as redox-indicator; **In presence of vitamins only.

***In presence of N2/CO2 or H2/CO2 and lactate or ethanol.

The culture medium contained 28 mM sulfate as electron acceptor. For fermentation tests and utilization of alternative electron acceptors, a sulfate-free culture medium was used. No strain grew on amino acid mix (1 mM), glucose (5 mM), malate (5 mM), methanol (5 mM), propionate (2 mM), or yeast extract (0.005% v/v). None of the strains fermented malate (5 mM) or used nitrate (10 mM) as alternative electron acceptor.