Fig. 3.
Sex chromosome effect on response to nociceptive stimuli. FCG mice were injected daily for six days with morphine or saline, with or without an NMDA blocker. On the seventh day, mice were placed on a hotplate and tested for their response before (at 0 min) and after an injection of morphine. The graph shows the latency to lick the hindpaw, for each of the four genotypes. All drug treatment groups are combined in this graph to illustrate the overall main effect of sex chromosome complement. XX mice of both sexes showed considerably shorter latencies to respond (*p < 0.00001), before or after the injection of morphine after the zero time point. Latencies were increased after morphine injection more in the XY than XX groups (p < 0.05). From [43]. Reprinted from Hormones and Behavior [43], copyright 2008, with permission of Elsevier, Inc.