Figure 6. X-irradiation increases spike-LFP synchrony within gamma bursts.
a.) Percentage of spikes occurring during gamma bursts in sham (blue) and x-irradiated (red) animals. In both groups, most spikes occurred during gamma bursts. Mean +/- s.e.m. b.) Gamma-burst-triggered peri-event histograms of all spikes recorded from all animals in sham (blue) and X-irradiated (red) groups. Spikes in X-rayed animals occur preferentially at the peaks of gamma power during gamma bursts while sham animals show no such preference. Note the side peaks at 250-350 ms latency indicating prominent theta-frequency modulation in the X-irradiated animals. c.) Left panel, theta-phase distribution histograms for spikes recorded from sham and x-irradiated animals; 100 spikes from each single unit were used (n=34 units in X-irradiated animals, 25 units in sham animals). Theta phase was calculated from the LFP recorded in the hilus. Right panel, mean Rayleigh’s z-statistic (a measure of the strength of phase locking) from neurons recorded from sham and X-irradiated animals (p=0.01, two-tailed Student’s t-test on log transformed data)