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. 2012 Feb 20;7(2):e30787. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030787

Table 3. Risk factors for prevalent nasopharyngeal carriage of S. pneumoniae.

Risk factor Sample Carriers OR 95% CI aOR 95% CI
Male sex 1435 934 0.94 0.81–1.10
Cough in the last 2 weeks? 1420 1079 2.53 2.15–2.96 1.55 1.26–1.91
Coryza in the last 2 weeks? 1684 1286 3.18 2.71–3.73 2.62 2.12–3.34
Child taken antibiotics in the last 2 weeks? 111 67 0.78 0.53–1.16 0.53 0.34–0.81
Child taken Fansidar in the last 2 weeks? 30 17 0.68 0.33–1.40
Child hospitalized in the last month? 8 5 0.87 0.21–3.63
Child sleeps in the cooking room? 496 344 1.22 0.99–1.50
Cooking fuel
firewood 2761 1814 1.00
gas 10 8 2.09 0.44–9.85
charcoal 60 41 1.13 0.65–1.95
paraffin 9 5 0.65 0.17–2.44
Smoker in the house 517 368 1.36 1.10–1.67
Household member hospitalized in last month 18 12 1.04 0.39–2.78
Study time (per month) 1.00 0.99–1.01 0.98 0.96–0.99
No. of other children (aged 0–2 y) in the house (per child) 0.82 0.71–0.95
No. of other children (aged 3–4 y) in the house (per child) 1.11 0.97–1.28
No. of other children (aged5–9 y) in the house (per child) 1.05 0.97–1.14
No. of other children (aged 10–14 y) in the house (per child) 1.01 0.95–1.07
No. of children (aged ≤5 y) sharing a bed with child (per child) 0.95 0.84–1.07

OR Odds Ratio; aOR adjusted Odds Ratio. Variables included in the final model but not displayed here are age (6 monthly strata), month of sampling and fieldworker taking the sample (n = 9). The full analysis is displayed in Table S2. The final model fit was tested using Hosmer-Lemeshow χ2 in 10 covariate strata (p = 0.95).