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. 2012 Feb 1;175(5):381–390. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwr346

Table 2.

Cohort, 20% Subcohort, and Case-Cohort Analyses of the Association Between Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Incident AIDS or Death Among 950 Men and Women Infected With HIV Type 1, Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study and Women’s Interagency HIV Study, 1996–2007

Analysis and Model Hazard Ratio 95% Confidence Interval Standard Errora
    Unadjusted 1.02 0.72, 1.43 0.176
    Adjustedb 0.96 0.68, 1.36 0.178
    Weightedb 0.41 0.26, 0.65 0.231
    Unadjusted 1.27 0.57, 2.86 0.412
    Adjusted 1.37 0.60, 3.17 0.426
    Weighted 0.53 0.23, 1.24 0.436
    Unadjusted 0.97 0.61, 1.54 0.238
    Adjusted 1.09 0.69, 1.73 0.235
    Weighted 0.47 0.26, 0.83 0.293

Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.


Standard error for log hazard ratio; robust standard error for case-cohort and weighted models.


Adjusted and weighted models both controlled for time-varying prior CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA level, specified as restricted cubic splines.