Multiple Rdh contribute to atRA biosynthesis in astrocytes. A, Q-PCR analysis of Rdh10, Rdh2, and Dhrs9 mRNA expression in astrocytes. B, effects of transfecting astrocytes with non-targeting siRNA or siRNA homologous with Rdh10, Rdh2, and Dhrs9. Rdh mRNA were detected by RT-PCR 72 h after transfection. C, total atRA production from 2 μm retinol in 4 h was quantified 96 h after transfection and was normalized to the non-targeting cultures: *, p < 0.01, n = 4. D, mRNA expression of Rdh2 and Dhrs9 was evaluated by RT-PCR 72 h after Rdh10 siRNA transfection. E, mRNA expression of Rdh10 and Dhrs9 was evaluated by RT-PCR 72 h after Rdh2 siRNA transfection. Error bars, means ± S.E.