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. 2010 Jul 25;38(2):316–330. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbq079

Table 1.

Studies that Investigated Cannabis Use and Cognition Association in Schizophrenia

Studies Sample Cannabis Criteria Cannabis Use Other Drugs Cognitive Tests Results
Lifetime history
 Joyal et al27 16 SCZ + SUD14 SCZ −SUD Cannabis abuse or dependency Not all the patients use cannabis but cannabis was the preferred substance for the sample No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use TMT-A, TMT-B, WCST, COWAT, RCFT, WAIS PA, Porteus Maze, Go/No Go Impaired WCST, COWAT in nonusers Fewer neurological soft signs
 Stirling et al33 24 SCZ + CANN39 SCZ − CANN Cannabis use prior to onset of psychosis No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use Design memory, verbal fluency, WAIS OA, BD, PC, PA, face recognition memory SCZ + CANN better in 7/9 measures SCZ − CANN more deficit schizophrenia and more neurological soft signs
 Jockers-Scherubl et al19 19 SCZ + CANN20 SCZ − CANN39 HC At least 0.5 g daily For 2 y prior to onset Abstinence, at least 4 wk (weekly urine screenings) Alcohol excluded, SCZ − no other substance abuse CPT-IP, TMT-A, TMT-B, WCST, WMS-R verbal and visual memory, WAIS-R (BD, PA, DSST, Comprehension) SCZ + CANN performs better than SCZ − CANN in some cognitive domains. Regular use before 17 associated with even better performance
 Sevy et al32 14 SCZ + CANN13 SCZ − CANN Cannabis abuse or dependency 0.5 g/day, >4 d of the week. Only 1 subject used in last 2 mo No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use 78% started prior to onset of psychosis Cannabis main substance, 7 alcohol abuse, 3 cocaine abuse Nicotine use is more in SCZ + CANN WRAT, CPT-IP, CVLT, DS (backward and forward), TMT-A, TMT-B, COWAT (semantic and phonemic), IGT No difference No impact of alcohol
 Løberg et al29 (Study I) 13 SCZ + CANN18 SCZ − CANN History of cannabis abuse or dependency No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use All abuse cannabis 8 additional substance abuse mainly amphetamine Memory, attention, psychomotor speed, general abilities, and executive function domains based on various test SCZ + CANN performs better except memory
 Schnell et al20 35 SCZ + CANN34 SCZ −CANN Cannabis abuse or dependency All started prior to onset of illness (average 6 y) Minimum 3 wk abstinence (self and medical reports and urine screening) Age of onset = 17 Duration = 8.5 y Frequency/month = 53 joints No other substances except nicotine AVLT, LNS, DSST, TMT-B, MWT-B, CPT, Verbal fluency, Dual processing task SCZ + CANN better in WM, executive functions, and verbal memory. High frequency use was associated with even better performance
Current/recent use
 Potvin et al28 44 SCZ + CANN32 SCZ − CANN Abuse or dependence Not all the patients use cannabis but cannabis was the preferred substance for the sample Last 6 mo No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use 12 cocaine, 17 polysubstance PAL, MOT SCZ + CANN better in MOT No difference for PAL. However, SCZ + CANN patients who use cocaine are more impaired in PAL. Non cocaine user but SCZ + CANN patients are better than SCZ − CANN in PAL
 Løberg et al29 (Study II) 13 SCZ + CANN13 SCZ − CANN Current cannabis abuse or dependency Acute admission with schizophrenia or schizophrenia like psychoses No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use All abuse cannabis 10 also abuse other substances (4 amphetamine, 3 cocaine, 4 alcohol) Global cognition score based on various cognitive tests longitudinal study, 3 mo follow-up In acute admission, SCZ + CANN performs worse, in follow-up they significantly improved SCZ − CANN no change in follow-up
 Ringen et al78 117 SCZ + CANN23 SCZ − CANN Cannabis use in last 6 mo DSST, Digit span, 2-Back, Verbal fluency, Logical memory, word interference, CVLT SCZ + CANN performs worse in verbal memory and attention
 Scholes et al79 22 SCZ + CANN Current cannabis use Stroop, WCST, Spatial span, LNS No difference

Note: TMT-A, Trial Making Test—Part A; TMT-B, Trial Making Test—Part B; TMT B/A, Trial Making Test—Part B minus Part A; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Task; RCFT, Rey Complex Figure Test; PAL, Paired Associate Learning; MOT, Motor Screening; OA, Object Assembly; BD, Block Design; PC, Picture Completion; PA, Picture Arrangement; DS, Digit Span; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; CPT-IP, Continuous Performance Task—Indentical Pairs; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Task; IGT, Iowa Gambling Task; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task; LNS, Letter Number Sequencing; DMST, Delayed Matching to Sample Test; MWT-B, Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatztest—Form B; HC, Healthy Control; SUD, Substance Use Disorder; FEP, First-Episode Psychosis; SCZ, Schizophrenia; DSST, digit symbol substitution task. Superscript numbers refer to the relevant reference number in the citations list.