Table 1.
Studies that Investigated Cannabis Use and Cognition Association in Schizophrenia
Studies | Sample | Cannabis Criteria | Cannabis Use | Other Drugs | Cognitive Tests | Results |
Lifetime history | ||||||
Joyal et al27 | 16 SCZ + SUD14 SCZ −SUD | Cannabis abuse or dependency Not all the patients use cannabis but cannabis was the preferred substance for the sample | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use | TMT-A, TMT-B, WCST, COWAT, RCFT, WAIS PA, Porteus Maze, Go/No Go | Impaired WCST, COWAT in nonusers Fewer neurological soft signs | |
Stirling et al33 | 24 SCZ + CANN39 SCZ − CANN | Cannabis use prior to onset of psychosis | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use | Design memory, verbal fluency, WAIS OA, BD, PC, PA, face recognition memory | SCZ + CANN better in 7/9 measures SCZ − CANN more deficit schizophrenia and more neurological soft signs | |
Jockers-Scherubl et al19 | 19 SCZ + CANN20 SCZ − CANN39 HC | At least 0.5 g daily For 2 y prior to onset | Abstinence, at least 4 wk (weekly urine screenings) | Alcohol excluded, SCZ − no other substance abuse | CPT-IP, TMT-A, TMT-B, WCST, WMS-R verbal and visual memory, WAIS-R (BD, PA, DSST, Comprehension) | SCZ + CANN performs better than SCZ − CANN in some cognitive domains. Regular use before 17 associated with even better performance |
Sevy et al32 | 14 SCZ + CANN13 SCZ − CANN | Cannabis abuse or dependency 0.5 g/day, >4 d of the week. Only 1 subject used in last 2 mo | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use 78% started prior to onset of psychosis | Cannabis main substance, 7 alcohol abuse, 3 cocaine abuse Nicotine use is more in SCZ + CANN | WRAT, CPT-IP, CVLT, DS (backward and forward), TMT-A, TMT-B, COWAT (semantic and phonemic), IGT | No difference No impact of alcohol |
Løberg et al29 (Study I) | 13 SCZ + CANN18 SCZ − CANN | History of cannabis abuse or dependency | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use | All abuse cannabis 8 additional substance abuse mainly amphetamine | Memory, attention, psychomotor speed, general abilities, and executive function domains based on various test | SCZ + CANN performs better except memory |
Schnell et al20 | 35 SCZ + CANN34 SCZ −CANN | Cannabis abuse or dependency All started prior to onset of illness (average 6 y) | Minimum 3 wk abstinence (self and medical reports and urine screening) Age of onset = 17 Duration = 8.5 y Frequency/month = 53 joints | No other substances except nicotine | AVLT, LNS, DSST, TMT-B, MWT-B, CPT, Verbal fluency, Dual processing task | SCZ + CANN better in WM, executive functions, and verbal memory. High frequency use was associated with even better performance |
Current/recent use | ||||||
Potvin et al28 | 44 SCZ + CANN32 SCZ − CANN | Abuse or dependence Not all the patients use cannabis but cannabis was the preferred substance for the sample Last 6 mo | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use | 12 cocaine, 17 polysubstance | PAL, MOT | SCZ + CANN better in MOT No difference for PAL. However, SCZ + CANN patients who use cocaine are more impaired in PAL. Non cocaine user but SCZ + CANN patients are better than SCZ − CANN in PAL |
Løberg et al29 (Study II) | 13 SCZ + CANN13 SCZ − CANN | Current cannabis abuse or dependency Acute admission with schizophrenia or schizophrenia like psychoses | No information regarding abstinence and duration/onset of cannabis use | All abuse cannabis 10 also abuse other substances (4 amphetamine, 3 cocaine, 4 alcohol) | Global cognition score based on various cognitive tests longitudinal study, 3 mo follow-up | In acute admission, SCZ + CANN performs worse, in follow-up they significantly improved SCZ − CANN no change in follow-up |
Ringen et al78 | 117 SCZ + CANN23 SCZ − CANN | Cannabis use in last 6 mo | DSST, Digit span, 2-Back, Verbal fluency, Logical memory, word interference, CVLT | SCZ + CANN performs worse in verbal memory and attention | ||
Scholes et al79 | 22 SCZ + CANN | Current cannabis use | Stroop, WCST, Spatial span, LNS | No difference | ||
49 SCZ − CANN |
Note: TMT-A, Trial Making Test—Part A; TMT-B, Trial Making Test—Part B; TMT B/A, Trial Making Test—Part B minus Part A; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Task; RCFT, Rey Complex Figure Test; PAL, Paired Associate Learning; MOT, Motor Screening; OA, Object Assembly; BD, Block Design; PC, Picture Completion; PA, Picture Arrangement; DS, Digit Span; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; CPT-IP, Continuous Performance Task—Indentical Pairs; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Task; IGT, Iowa Gambling Task; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task; LNS, Letter Number Sequencing; DMST, Delayed Matching to Sample Test; MWT-B, Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatztest—Form B; HC, Healthy Control; SUD, Substance Use Disorder; FEP, First-Episode Psychosis; SCZ, Schizophrenia; DSST, digit symbol substitution task. Superscript numbers refer to the relevant reference number in the citations list.