Numerical analysis of the EN dynamics with circular orientation stimulus ensemble and fixed representation of visual space far from pattern formation threshold. (a) OPMs and their power spectra in a simulation of Equation (3) with r(x) = 0, r = 0.8, σ/Λ = 0.3 (η = 0.028) and circular orientation stimulus ensemble. Pinwheel density time courses for four different simulations (parameters as in a; gray traces, individual realizations; black trace, simulation in a; red trace, mean value) (c, d) OPMs and their power spectra in a simulation of Equation (3) with r(x) = 0, r = 0.8, σ/Λ = 0.12 (η = 0.57) and circular orientation stimulus ensemble. (d) Pinwheel density time courses for four different simulations (parameters as in c; gray traces, individual realizations; black trace, simulation in c; red trace, mean value).