Figure 2. Pten mutant primary cultures mirror the development of primary cultures expressing oncogenic RasV12.
(A–C) Wild type. (D–F) RasV12 (Act5C-Gal4; UAS-RasV12). (G–I) Pten117. (J–L) Pten117; RasV12 (Pten117; Act5C-Gal4/Pten117; UAS-RasV12). After five days, primary cultures of all genotypes (A, D, G, J) had differentiated cell types including fat body (open arrowheads) and muscle (arrowheads). After ten days, wild-type cultures (B) had only the same differentiated cell types, whereas, cultures of the other genotypes (E, H, K) had patches of spindle-shaped cells. After 20 days, wild-type cultures (C) had only the same differentiated cell types, whereas, cultures of the other genotypes (F, I, L) were densely populated with spindle-shaped cells. (M and N) Western-blot analysis of primary culture extracts with cells of the indicated genotypes. (M) The Akt pathway is activated (pAkt) above control (wild type) levels in cultures with RasV12 expressing cells (RasV12), Pten mutant cells (Pten117) and Pten mutant cells expressing RasV12 (Pten117; RasV12). The Erk pathway is activated (dpErk) above control (wild type) levels in cultures with RasV12 expressing cells (RasV12) and Pten mutant cells expressing RasV12 (Pten117; RasV12). Total Akt and Erk, as detected by α-Akt and α-Erk were used as loading controls [40], [41]. Akt is detected as two bands (Cell Signaling Technology) [31]. For unknown reasons the lower band is more prominent in the Pten mutant cultures.