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. 2012 Feb 21;7(2):e31679. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031679

Table 3. Strength of evidence for the outcomes of interest.

Outcome Population; Comparator NStudies NSubjects NEvents Effect Estimate SoE Domains* SoE
Neonatal death Twins+RPTL; Oral tocolytics 1 [19] 706 12 OR = 0.09 (0.01, 0.70) Medium; N/A; Direct; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; Oral nifedipine 1 [17] 284 0 OR = 1.00 (0.02, 50.75) Medium; N/A; Direct; Imprecise Insufficient
Significant IVH (Grade III/IV) Singleton+RPTL; No treatment 1 [13] 60 4 OR = 0.30 (0.02, 5.85) High; N/A; Direct; Imprecise Insufficient
Incidence of delivery <32 weeks Twins+RPTL; Oral nifedipine 1 [16] 656 192 OR = 0.47 (0.33, 0.68) Medium; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Twins+RPTL; Oral tocolytics 1 [19] 706 124 OR = 0.52 (0.35, 0.76) Medium; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton + RPTL; Oral nifedipine 2 [15], [17] 1650 106 OR = 0.20–0.29 (0.07–0.16, 0.52–0.61) High/Medium; Consistent; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; Oral tocolytics 1 [18] 558 37 OR = 0.21 (0.09, 0.50) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; No treatment 1 [13] 60 21 OR = 0.04 (0.00, 0.65) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Incidence of delivery <37 weeks Singleton+RPTL; Oral nifedipine 2 [15], [17] 1650 925 OR = 0.72–0.75 (0.47–0.58, 0.90–1.20) High/Medium; Consistent; Indirect; Imprecise Insufficient
Singleton+RPTL; Oral tocolytics 1 [18] 558 318 OR = 0.70 (0.50, 0.98) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; No treatment 1 [13] 60 50 OR = 0.04 (0.01, 0.23) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton/Multiple+RPTL; Oral terbutaline 1 [11] 64 38 OR = 0.10 (0.03, 0.32) Medium; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Pregnancy prolongation (days) Twins+RPTL; Oral nifedipine 1 [16] 656 N/A MD = 7.20 (4.10, 10.30) Medium; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; Oral nifedipine 2 [15], [17] 1650 N/A MD = 6.20–7.50 (0.79–4.94, 10.06–11.61) High/Medium; Consistent; Indirect; Imprecise Insufficient
Singleton+RPTL; Oral tocolytics 1 [18] 558 N/A MD = 5.50 (2.28, 8.72) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low
Singleton+RPTL; No treatment 1 [13] 60 N/A MD = 25.30 (16.77, 33.83) High; N/A; Indirect; Precise Low

Abbreviations: IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; MD = mean difference; N = number; N/A = not applicable; OR = odds ratio; RPTL = recurrent preterm labor; SoE = strength of evidence.

*SoE domains are presented in the following order: Risk of Bias; Consistency; Directness; Precision.

RCT evidence was available for neonatal death [24], significant IVH [21], delivery <37 weeks [21], and pregnancy prolongation [21], [24]. There were no events of neonatal death or significant IVH. Nonsignificant differences were reported for incidence of delivery <37 weeks and pregnancy prolongation. The RCT evidence was not graded because it did not apply to any of the subgroups of interest.

These studies were not pooled. There was risk of double counting of participants across these studies.