Fig. 5.
PI3K activity is required for maintenance of cell polarization during enucleation. (A) Time-lapse images of polarized cells treated with DMSO or LY294002. Time 0 indicates the onset of nuclear extrusion. White dots depict the nucleus. (B) Quantification of data obtained with cells similar to those shown in A. The distance between the nuclear and cellular centroids in individual cells treated with DMSO (blue) or LY294002 (red) over time after the onset of nuclear extrusion (time 0) was plotted. Representative cells for each treatment (five for DMSO and seven for LY294002) are shown. (C) Cells treated with DMSO or LY294002 from 35 to 39 hours in culture were fixed and stained for F-actin and DNA. Three independent experiments for each treatment were performed; values are means ± s.e.m. (*P<0.05). Scale bar: 5 μm.